Updated 2016: Companies that DO and DON'T Practice Cruelty-Free Product Testing

I have to say, I am really surprised by the lists shown below. 

The one that struck me the hardest is MAC cosmetics. I have been using their makeup products religiously since I was 13-years old and I am so unbelievably disappointed that they do in fact test their products on animals. I did a little more digging and found that MAC cosmetics values money over the safety and morality of animals. MAC claims that they are against animal-testing, but cannot control what other countries do with their products. Specifically, when China receives an import of MAC products they test the products on animals before allowing their citizens to purchase. When MAC was asked why they still sell to China knowing that China does not practice cruelty-free testing, MAC responded by saying that they are "committed to selling products to China." Clearly, the dollar is more important to MAC than animal welfare. After discovering this, I have decided to stop supporting MAC and find a brand that cares more about animals than profits. 

Take a look at the lists below and take some time to think about whether you want to support a company that consciously chooses to use animal testing when there are MANY cruelty-free testing alternatives available. Food For Thought.


Avoid these companies! They DO test on animals (updated in 2016). <a class="pintag searchlink" data-query="%23crueltyfree" data-type="hashtag" href="/search/?q=%23crueltyfree&rs=hashtag" rel="nofollow" title="#crueltyfree search Pinterest">#crueltyfree</a>