The VI Peel is a unique chemical peel. Unlike other peels, the VI Peel works for all skin types, is only minimally painful and does not require a significant recovery period.
The VI Peel is useful in treating acne, reducing discoloration and scars, reversing skin aging, and generally improving the appearance and texture of your skin.

The VI Peel consists of a chemical solution that is applied to the skin by a professional. No pre-treatment is required and the procedure only lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. You may feel a slight stinging sensation, but the feeling should subside quickly.

Your skin will begin to lightly peel on approximately the third day after application and may continue to peel for the next 1 to 4 days. Using a moisturizer can help to hide the appearance of peeling.

Recovery Time
You can return to your normal activities immediately after completing a VI Peel. During the peeling period, your skin may be more sensitive than normal, but should recover within a few days. Avoid sun exposure while your skin is peeling.

Expected Results
Expect to see visible improvement in skin conditions and general skin appearance a few days after your VI Peel. To maintain skin improvement, Kali Medical Products recommends that the peel be repeated every three months.