A lot of actual work has to go into a trip that is supposed to be "relaxing." You wind up needing a vacation to recuperate from planning your vacation! If you will be traveling by plane this spring, then you can multiply the complications and stress by 100. Air travel can be a real pain these days with all of the special rules and regulations for what can be packed, what can't be packed, and exactly what size everything should be. It's enough to make you want to cancel the plans before you're even done daydreaming about them.
Image Skincare wants to help in some little way to make packing for any trip a little less stressful for you. That is why we are now offering the Vital C Image Skin Care Trial/Travel Kit. We understand how important your skin care routine is, and you should not have to sacrifice your skin care while traveling simply because your products are not the right size. The Vital C Image Skin Care Trial/Travel Kit fits perfectly into your carryon bags and is sized to fit airline regulations. Simply slip your kit in your bag, and your skin care needs are one less thing to worry about on your vacation.
The kit includes the following products you know and trust from the Vital C line: Vital C Anti-Aging Serum, Vital C Repair Crème, Vital C Enzyme Masque, Vital C Cleanser, and Daily Defense Hydrating Moisturizer. Rich in anti-oxidants, the Vital C line from Image Skincare has become a staple for individuals worldwide. These products help your skin naturally fight the environmental stress from air pollution, changing climates, smoke and tiredness. These types of stress are multiplied when traveling, making your Vital C skin care even more important. Travel is not a time to ditch your routine.
In addition to maintaining your Vital C routine, you should remember a few other tips to keep your skin healthy and beautiful while traveling.
• You should absolutely stay hydrated. As you are dashing between airports and hotels, it can be easy to forget this simple skin care strategy. Slip a few bottles on water in your carry on to make sure you always have something to drink.
• Go easy on the alcohol. On vacation we tend to want to pull out all the stops and go a little wild, but keep in mind the dehydrating results of alcohol. It literally sucks the moisture right out of your skin.
• Sleep in! It is vacation after all, and a little extra rest goes a long way to rejuvenating your skin. There is some validity to getting your "beauty rest."